Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance And Performance


Monday, 14 December 2020




Set out below is a summary of the decisions taken at the meeting of the Decision Session Executive Member for Finance and Performance  held on Monday, 14 December 2020.  The wording used does not necessarily reflect the actual wording that will appear in the minutes.


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in a decision, notice must be given to Democracy Support Group no later than 4pm on the second working day after this meeting.


If you have any queries about any matters referred to in this decision sheet please contact AngelaBielby.



4.               Reprocurement of Education Case Management System


Resolved: That agreement be given to a single contract for re-procurement of the main education case management system in order to secure capital savings and avoid increases in revenue costs for the next 5 years (as detailed at Annex A).


Reason:     To ensure the that councillors consider routine procurement decisions over £250k in value in line with procurement regulations and the public have the opportunity to see transparent decision-making in operation relating to major procurements.

